Harrogate Area
Rabbit Golf Association
To stimulate, promote and encourage competitive golf for players with a WHS Handicap Index of 15 and higher who are:
Subscribing / Playing members of the constituent member clubs of the Harrogate Area (YRGA)
Members of their own Rabbit Sections
To have its own Officers and Council responsible for arranging Rabbit golf competitions, inter-club and inter-area matches, and social functions.
To operate within the constitution and rules of the Yorkshire Rabbit Golf Association.
The HARGA Council consists of: Elected Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Secretary, Press Officer); YRGA Representative; HARGA Club Rabbit Captains & HARGA Club Rabbit Secretaries (or nominee) and the active past HARGA Presidents. HARGA Club Rabbit Vice Captains are invited to join meetings in a non-voting capacity.
The restricted workspace includes the online version of the HARGA Directory, an online calendar of events, meetings and fixtures, recent meeting agendas and minutes, index of past meeting minutes and the latest version of the HARGA Constitution .
2024 HARGA President's Message
Welcome to HARGA 2025
It is a great honour and privilege to be nominated to be President of the Harrogate Area Rabbit Golf Association for 2025. I would like to thank my home Club Ripon City Golf Club for having the faith to nominate myself for this position. Ripon City Golf Club will support my term in office. I will strive to maintain the traditions and standards required for the position.
Having been Vice President in 2024 I now appreciate how much effort goes into the role of President and the work quietly carried out by the full Committee. I also thank Geoff Fitchett my predecessor for carrying out the duties of President to a high standard.
I have been involved in Rabbits Golf since 1994 when I played my first friendly and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I was nominated as Rabbits Captain during 2009 the took up the post as Rabbits Secretary in 2010 to present date. Since being the Rabbits Captain I have been involved in HARGA since then.
My hopes for my year in office, is that we all continue to play golf in the true Rabbits tradition. That our members continue to support HARGA and the YRGA competitions with enthusiasm that they have done in the past, and lastly to play with as many HARGA Rabbits as possible this season.
Enjoy your year with the Harrogate Area Rabbit Golf Association playing golf and supporting your Committee.
Bill Barnett
Ripon City GC
2025 HARGA President
2025 HARGA Officers
Vice President
Nigel Jones
Pike Hills GC
Keith Lewis
Thirsk and Northallerton GC
Competition Secretary
Andy Robinson
Rudding Park GC
Ian Jeal
Ripon City GC
Communications & Press Officer
Jeff Loveday
Masham GC
Most of the 2024 HARGA News Articles and Photos Have Been Saved to the History Section - Click Here for a Link
2025 HARGA League Draw
HARGA Member Clubs
Click on Club Name to link to the Golf Club's Website (Rabbit's Section, if available)